hello hello

apologies for reaching out on short notice

just seemed like it was silent on the public end so

ha ha

Excuse me? I mean it's no problem at all

just didn't expect ya reaching out

 ahhhh figured id be reaching out to a few people

friends of edens are friends of mine you know

ha ha

Ahh, shoulda figured that much.

So I ain't the only one then? Heh heh

of course not


what did you want to be



Can't say I do, no offense

none taken

only joking with you

Heh - figures, I don't mind it.

Funny guy then - ain'tcha

that i am

from what i remember you find yourself the same

Oh - you think so?

well of course

last time we talked i feel the jokes were the whole gig you had

dont figure you to remember it since id bet youre a real busy guy

Gig… is that the word?

And you know - I guess I am awful busy these days

Sorry if that's what made ya miss me

ha ha

just miss the company is all

youre a real interesting character to talk to

Can't say I'm not flattered I guess, assumin' you're bein earnest here

no reason i wouldnt be

id hope we were both being honest here

ha ha

True enough, just barely know ya is all -

Ahhh, ain't that the truth

that it is

and i dont blame you i suppose

the spot youre at is a little harsh so i couldnt blame nobody for their hostility

or distrust on any front

Yeah, you seem like a smart guy.

I figure I wouldn't have to explain to ya why I'm a bit apprehensive, here

well im more than welcome to talk it out

im an open book bud

Are ya, now?

that i am

no reason ive got to lie to a couple of strangers

I mean I've met a few folks who aren't so keen on letting everything off their chest like that

Especially to ah,

people they don't know.

Haven't met at all yet.


dont like to think im few folks here

Aaaain't that the truth …

Guess I was wrong holdin ya to the same standards as the rest of us here

ha ha

not on you of course

but i dont see the point in dilly dallying over filler here or there or uh

just all around shit 

you know

True enough, guess I'm more or less just tryin' to, ah …

gauge the situation here

Kinda end up talkin your ear off more or less while I'm sittin here tryin to figure out the type of guy I'm really talkin to here, heh heh

well not everything has to feel like something else you know

cant compare eating icecream to eating spaghetti

ha ha

Yeah, you know - pardon me for lookin' like I'm tryin to compare ya to folks I've already met, that one's on me

Guess I do have a few questions for ya otherwise … would just hate to look like I'm tryin to interrogate ya here, hah

well for the sake of comfort anybodyll compare something theyre familiar with

ive got a thousand hours to pass

lets make it useful

I figure as much, you oughta be bored way out whatever you are just waitin for the inevitable huh.

Playin' 21 questions might do us both some good

of course

shoot me with it

Heh heh, alright.

You know how at all you got hooked up to this thing?

I mean, not sure I ever got a satisfying answer on that

that youll have to bring up with powers outside my control here

edens pops i mean

Ah - I'm sure, but I'm lookin' at both sides here, I mean. Sure he had to hand it to ya, but you'd still have to come across it somehow, you know what I mean?

Not like giving and receiving shit is just a one-way road.

Someone gives ya something, you have to receive it too

you realize youre saying this about a rumored chaos god that seems like he brought the whole lot of you here

I know, I know -

Don't talk to me like I'm wasting your time here.

Said you had all the time in the world and I'm just being thorough

not talking to you like any sort of way now …

just tellin you what youre talking about

Heh heh, sorry to assume, not to paint ya as a bad guy here. Just wanted to know if it was somethin like what -

came up as a pop-up as your computer?

Just some sketchy website that just - called to ya?

Or you opened it up one day and it was the only thing on your screen

Or am I askin too much here

last one

just happened to be the only thing on the screen

and i mean its not like a cop or nothing is gonna do anything about it

Yeah I mean, hey - it's not anything illegal, it's why I didn't wanna seem like I was pressin ya here

Don't wanna piss ya off and we ain't even met face to face yet

no no of course

curiosity isnt something that should piss anybody off

Yeah of course - just -

you know how some folks get when they're approached by a fella just bombarding them with questions

not the best reactions across the board

But I keep forgettin you're not like most folks again

ha ha

and to that i repeat myself in which its only natural to compare one thing to something else